Yes I want $2141 of value for $297!

Unlock The Sober Vault and 
get instant access to:

Beat Alcohol Cravings (Value: $149): Learn my most powerful tool for minimizing alcohol triggers that works in just minutes. It's a great practice to have on hand when attending holiday parties that literally surround you with temptation.

Beat Sugar Cravings (Value: $149): Give up alcohol only to find that you're addicted to sugar? It happens to most of us, and I've got a crazy effective tool that can help manage sugar cravings in no time.

Sober Kickstart Self-Study Program (Value: $349): A laser-focused, 10-week training program designed to help you get and stay sober. It includes a variety of self-paced training videos that build the foundation for a sober life using tools we've successfully used with clients for 

The Soberful Retreat with Chip Somers (Value: $497)
Nine hours of content from our 2021 Soberful Retreat will help you create a clear plan to make sobriety more sustainable. You'll learn the 5 pillars of sustainable sobriety and how to successfully incorporate them into your daily life.

The Soberful Freedom Program (Value: $997)
This program contains everything and the ‘kitchen sink.’ It is a complete program in itself and includes help getting started, dealing with FOMO and what you need to do to build sobriety that lasts.

But wait there's more...

Veronica has limited space in her calendar for 1-1 coaching. 
Do you want to grab a spot?
 Add on a 60-minute private session? 
The Sober Vault + 60-minute coaching with 
Veronica for just $497.

Only ten spots are available, and when they are gone, 
they are gone.

Item Price
Not Medical or Professional Advice | The Coach encourages the Client to consult a physician to stop drinking safely. We will assume that all individuals choosing to stop drinking through our programs will have previously obtained clearance and permission from their applicable personal medical physician and have concluded that the coaching Program offered is right for them.  CHECK THE BOX TO AGREE.
The information on this site and in the Soberful programs are for educational purposes only and are not meant to replace any advice from a healthcare professional. Please consult your healthcare professional before you give up alcohol. Withdrawal from alcohol can be life-threatening and even fatal.